Curious Content


Curious Content is an artistic research that experiments with the control that you are supposed to have as a corpus maker and  examines the natural behaviour of plastic as a tool to change its own status as a superficial material.

The material and method are both taken up as challenges for the responsible and skilled craftsperson. Both are given the power to overrule decisions of the maker as they introduce a randomness that will transform the objects during the making.
It is considered bad craftsmanship when you cannot control the end result. But what does it contribute to the objects? The objects become tools to challenge your skills as a maker yet also challenge the common perspective on skills. It creates windows into the mystery of the making process and a spontaneity that is able to bring the objects to life.

Now curiosity pulls us closer to engage in an active relationship with the objects.

2016-05-22 16.09.10
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The Making Process: The Red Jug’s growing evolution.